In about a week, my Daughter-In-Law Jamie will have a special birthday. After racking my brain about an appropriate gift for Jamie, I finally decided that the Tin of Cards filled with not only the cards that come with the tin, but also a sprinkling of additional assorted cards would be a hit because Jamie loves handmade cards but has no time to create them.
After completing the cards that were included with the tin, I believe that the cards are much nicer than they appear in the photos from the 2016- 2017 Annual Catalog. The colors are richer and the embellishments add a nice touch to the assortment of cards.
Because of the vellum layer it is difficult to take a photograph that does this card justice. In person, this is a lovely card.
Thank you cards are a staple and I now that I would appreciate having some on hand. Hopefully Jamie will feel the same way.
Generic birthday cards work for male, female, children or adults. This is such a bright and festive card that I feel Jamie will use these up in a hurry. Guess I better create some more birthday cards to include in the tin!
Thanks for stopping by my blog today. If you need any of the supplies used to create my cards, just click on the item pictured below to be taken to my On Line Store.

Jamie will love these cards! Once she has used all the cards in the tin, she can give it back for a reload! The gift that keeps giving is what you gave Jamie.
All these cards are keepers, until they are needed to make someone else happy. Nice work Ginger and a very nice gift. Happy Birthday to Jamie early.
What a wonderful gift! The tin of cards is a great gift already made up is a gift from the heart! Happy birthday Jamie!
I bet she will love this gift! They do appear prettier on here than the catalog. I really like the thank you card, well all of them really! I love what Marjorie wrote! Well done and I bet you even enjoyed making the cards as well!