Are you as ready for Spring as I am? Finally, we had a day without snow! So, my mind drifted to spring and all of the sports that the little ones participate in with the change of weather. Of course, I wanted to make an appropriate card to mark the transition.
I have been itching to try a card in the box. But, I have seen so many with flowers, butterflies & birthday themes that I wanted to do something original. Without a doubt, the more feminine ones are truly spectacular. However, this one is just fun!
In this picture, you get the best view of the strips of window sheet that allow the various sports balls to pop out of the box. In reality, they are barely visible.
The Fringe Scissors made it so easy to make the layers of grass. Because I am right-handed, I find starting on the left edge of the paper makes it easier for me to see where I have already cut. For added texture, I used the Stripes Embossing Folder on both the added side pieces and the box sides. A strip of Natural Composition Specialty dsp helps to ground the grass layers. A few Black Candy Dots ties in with the balls.
Of course, we want to be able to mail this card. The next picture shows how the card folds up to fit in a Standard Size Envelope.
As always, if you have any questions about my card, I am only an email away. Before I leave you, let me share the Weekly Specials. Lots of good stuff to choose from!
Thanks for stoppiong by my blog today!

What a GREAT idea!!! Love the “male” focus (but girls would love it, too!). You’re right that most I’ve seen are more flower/butterfly centered. Would you be kind enough to share the dimensions/size of this box? All of the card boxes I’ve seen are way too large to fit in a standard size envelope. Thanks very, very much!
This card is awesome and definitely male, which makes it even better. We have so few male cards. Good job, Ginger. I’ll be picking your brain on this one.
How unusual! It would be a fun card to make for all those great nieces and nephews!!
I’m with Barb, I’ll be picking your brain for this card! I love this card, only having 2 grandsons I can put this to use! Love this card!!
Too cute! I’ll keep this in mind for a birthday this summer. TFS!
Boy, you are on the BALL with this one! Great job! Really fun and unique. Love your grass! You really knocked this one out of the ball park! Sorry, couldn’t help myself! It still amazes me that they come together and fold flat for mailing! Great job!