Oh my gosh blog readers. What a week! In the state of Montana, there are 104 small rural schools who participate in boys basketball. In order to reduce that number to just 8 requires the teams to win 2 tournaments in order to get that golden ticket to the State Tournament. As you can imagine, it is no small achievement to get that ticket.
My son Chris coaches one of those teams – the Superior Bobcats. My husband and I have been following them all season. Driving Montana roads in the winter is an adventure in itself. This past weekend, we were below zero with bone chilling wind chill and about a foot of new snow. This type of weather is very hard on "diesel school buses". So hard that the Superior bus froze up. This meant that my husband and I were elected to chauffer the team around until a solution could be found for the bus. After 2 days, the bus was revived!
But, the purpose of my post today is to congratulate the Superior Boys Basketball team and their coach Chris Toivonen on an incredible season. They won both their District and their Divisional Tournaments. To date they are undefeated. That is not to say that they haven't been challenged. But, the coach seems to have an answer for whatever is thrown at them.
Here's a picture of the team with their trophy and the poster with the barcket.
Among the biggest fans of the Superior Bobcats are 2 very special little boys. My Grandsons – Conor and Carson. Here's a picture of them with their Dad after the game.
When Chris started coaching he took a team who had not won a game in 5 years. The first year he coached, that record was kept intact. The next year they won 11 games. In his 3rd season as coach, he took that team to State. He is an amazing coach – not just because he is my son either. He works incredibly hard at it and the most important part is that he truly cares for each and everyone of his players. He encourages everyone to come out for the team- not just the gifted athletes. And somehow he turns them into ball players. He is an incredible role model. And I am so proud to call him Son!
In closing, here is a picture of the trophy.
Thanks for stopping by my blog today!

I agree with everything you said Ginger. It is amazing they are undefeated, we have some good basketball teams in the smaller towns in Montana and so far Superior with Chris as their coach rein supreme. It will be over the top to have them win State.
Go Superior! What a feat the team under Chris’ tutorledge experienced! Win, lose or draw, Chris and the Bobcats are top notch!
We all know what an amazing coach Chris is, he was also an amazing basketball player in high school, but was never recognized for his hard work. I think Chris learned the style of coaching from his Dad maybe? I’m so proud of my nephew and the Superior Bobcats they are indeed Superior! Thank God for coaches parents to take over the busing!
Whoot whoot, the Suoperiors are still Superior! What a great thing! My husband is in education in different ways. I know he has put in a lot of long hours and had such a wonderful result. You and your husband deserve something super special for “busing” the kids. Thos two players in the middle are so tall, I am assuming they are a big asset to the team. This has to make you feel so proud of your son and his accomplishments. Thanks for sharing this with us!
Congratulations to all of you, Ginger! Making it to the State C Tourney is a huge feat and a most memorable accomplishment. And driving Montana in winter is a thrill all its own. Hugs! Cathy
I could not be prouder of my big brother. He is truly an amzaing coach and an inspiration. I loved hearing about this amazing team all year and being able to watch a couple games. And good thing for the “team grandparents” who saved they day when the bus was out of order! 🙂