One of the most fun parts of Convention is giving Downline gifts to my team. I have a variety of gifts to give but my favorite is the French Fry Box. I used the Fry Bigz Die and various dsp to create them.
They are bright and colorful! And, they contain some Convention essentials like gum, a few pieces of candy and some peanuts. I used a few of the bags from the Paper Pumpkin Kit this month.
Each gal is getting a box done in her favorite color. This one is Rich Razzleberry.
And this one is Melon Mambo.
Who could resist Coastal Cabana?
A bright & cheerful Daffodil Delight.
And, a trendy Pumpkin Pie.
Which one is your favorite? Please leave me a comment to let me know your favorite.

These are so neat! Love them. I really enjoy giving little gifts to express my appreciation for something someone has done to help out, definitely would do the job! Thanks
You have been busy! How do you pick a favorite color when they are all bright and cheerful, I like Melon Mambo, but then I like Costal Cabana and Pumpkin Pie is delightful, oooh, Rich Razelberry with those big spots, which would I pick. Oh, can’t forget Daffodil Delight! I think I like them all. Looks like they hold quite a bit of goodies.
All are so fun but I think I would say I like the pattern of the melon mambo the best. But, they are all pretty neat! Are you going to tell us which friends get which color? When you are back and have time on your hands – could you tell me the measurements of this little jewel? I have an idea of something to put in it but don’t want to buy the die and find out it doesn’t work. I had always thought about keeping one of those fry boxes to make a template but decided they were always just too greasy. Anyway, these are so fun and what a great little treat at the convention! Any tricks to putting them together?
The coastal cabana is such a great color, but if I’m to pick my favorite it would have to be pumpkin pie. Really they are all super colors.
Could not be any cuter! I don’t even want to open mine cause it’s so dang cute! it’s just sitting on display on my shelf 🙂
French Fries Boxes are amazing bags we do make some DIY things at home I’ll show you later
French Fries Boxes are uncommon endowments so their packaging ought to likewise be novel and imaginative.French Fries Boxes
display boxes are a perfect method to pack your French Fries Boxes.
Nice blog i like it very much thanks for sharing with us keep it up.
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