Oh my gosh! I recently bought a new computer after having my PC for 10 years. It was like getting rid of a good friend – sniff, sniff. But, both my daughter and my daughter-in-law convinced me that I would LOVE the new IMAC.
Honestly, I don't know what I was thinking. In Montana, there are no Apple Stores. Consequently, I bought my brand new, expensive IMAC in Salt Lake City when we were visiting my daughter and her family. Yesterday I took the plunge and disconnected my beloved PC (it is becoming more beloved by the moment!) and set up the IMAC.
Of course, the set up went rather smoothly. Fortified by that success, I plunged into checking my email. Well, things went south quickly! I ended up with some ages old email account with tons of messages scrolling across my screen. I couldn't seem to stop them and I could not exit that account. Remember, I am an Apple novice. If someone experiencedwith an Apple had been with me, then I am sure that they would have clicked somewhere to make it all stop.
Having no success with email, I decided to watch a DVD . Can you imagine my dismay when I could not find the DVD player on my shiny new computer. Sending a text to my daughter about the missing DVD drive, she responded to check the for a small opening on the right side of my pencil thin computer. I ckecked right, left, top and bottom to no avail.
After checking online, my daughter calls me to tell me that my shiny new, very expensive computer does not have a DVD drive. WHAT? How can that be true???? My daughter, ever the diplomat, responds "the future is digital. It's ok, I think you can buy a cd drive". My response, "The future might be digital but we are not in the future! I have DVD's that I cannot use now for MDS, Convention recordings and the gypsy" Her response, "call apple, I really think u can get one".
So, this a.m. I called Apple Support. First, I told them that I was converting from a PC and had no Apple Support in my area and I was not from the tech savvy generation! A very patient young man halped me to work through my email issues. Thankfully, I can now receive and send email. He then transferred me to an online purchasing agent to help spend more money in order to be able to use my DVD's. I think she felt sorry for me because she did discount the DVD player. It is scheduled to arrive today so stay tuned for the end of the saga.
Are you wondering why I am sharing all of this with you? Well, I am very nervous about my blog posts. In case I do something wonky, I wanted to ask for your patience while I get it all figured out. Thankfully, I cannot do anything to hurt your computer but I could have an unusual post.
Well, I had to call Apple Support in order to upload the picture of my computer. But, I think I will able to upload future blog pictures.
Thanks for stopping by my blog today! I am going to try and include a pic of my new MAC.

I am in utter sympathy with you!! In essence I feel your pain in saying good bye to your trusted computer and hello to the future confusion with you new computer! Knowing you, you will be gogged in getting to know and use your new computer!! Hang In –
I don’t know if this is any consolation, but my daughter’s new husband is a MAC person. Needless to say, everyone in the house has converted to a Mac. Now she says that she loves it and likes it better than her old PC. Even my brother who is very computer illiterate has an Apple and is doing very well with it. And, I hear it’s great for graphics!! So keep your chin up. You will do great once you get if figured out. I’m sure of it.
Hang in there Ginger!!! Once you get the comfortable with a few basic steps you will LOVE your new toy. Something to remember….a PC you had to basically draw a road map in order to get where your going. The MAC usually eliminates several steps and takes you right where you need to go. This can be a blessing or a curse, but don’t over think a MAC. This MAC processes on a more logical front!! I also found from the library a basic book called MAC for Dummies. Yes…I know, but it really helped.
Ginger you will LOVE your Mac. I have one and prefer it over my PC anrday. It is built for someone as creative as you!
i of course agree with all the comments above! Trust us, you will love it! (are you tired of me saying that yet??? :))
That’s why most people do not go for Mac!